Synthesis technology: Shinsei Chem's specialty
Our unskilled reactions:The following reactions are not our forte.
Polymer synthesis by polymerization (Polymer synthesis by stepwise and fragment coupling, is our specialty.):Polymer synthesis requires completely different
techniques and experience from organic synthesis, which is our specialty.
In order to obtain polymers with the required specifications, ultra-pure purified monomers, solvents, and special reaction vessels are required, none
of which can be easily handled in our facilities. For the above reasons, it is difficult to ensure reproducibility, and it is not easy to determine
whether the desired polymer has been obtained, and so we refrain from handling them.
If you wish to use commercially available monomers, polymerize them according to a detailed prescription, and charge the full amount regardless of the
result, we will discuss this with you on an individual basis. However, not only will this contract not allow us to take advantage of our strengths,
but if we cannot obtain a polymer of satisfactory quality, we will lose the trust of our customers. We do not accept this contract as a general rule
with a very few exceptions.
We undertake monomer synthesis as a general organic compound synthesis, but we do not guarantee stability after analysis immediately prior to delivery
because polymerization inhibitors may not work. There is concern about polymerization during overseas transportation.
In the case of a contract for monomer synthesis and polymer synthesis as a set, we ask for a contingency fee for the monomer synthesis and full billing
for the polymer synthesis regardless of the results.
Inorganic compounds:We have a lot of inquiries, but our expertise is completely different from that of organic compounds, and we do not have the
knowledge and experience to confirm purification methods and structures, nor the ability to break through troubles. Inorganic compounds are completely
out of our expertise.
Metal complexes:We do not have the know-how for synthesis, purification, structural verification, and purity verification and so we cannot accept a
success reward. Precursors prior to the complex preparation are undertaken as usual organic synthesis for a success fee.
Gas-phase reaction:We have no facilities.
Large-scale synthesis:Since we specialize in small-scale synthesis of less than 100 mg, we do not know how to deal with the problems encountered during scale-up.
Please check the details about scale.
Click here for other information about custom synthesis.