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Inquiry Details
Please show us the SCHEM No.
Notification to our customers.

You can specify the product number (SCHEM number) and get information of your compounds using the
"Compound search" entry field at the top or bottom in this page.
CAS RN, molecular formula, compound name and categories can be used as keywords.

We can handle any organic compounds that are not on the list.
Please feel free to ask us using this inquiry form. Detailed information is not required for this inquiry. We will ask about your target compound structure while exchanging e-mails.

Notes:Please check below before making an inquiry about our compounds.

We do not respond to any inquiries by phones nor e-mails. Please use this contact form for the first time inquiry.

We would like to communicate with those who are willing to purchase compounds from us.

We can accept small-scale orders only and maximum quantity we can provide is less than 1g.

Please check if the inquired product can be imported into your country without prohibition and limitation.

Please pay in advance.

We will not accept any return of item after purchase for any reason.

All compounds are delivered from our laboratory in Japan.

Other important notes about our compounds.

Please feel free to inquire if your structure is similar to the compounds found using our search button at the bottom of this page.
We might be able to offer you a similar price to the listed compounds.
Compound search:Set keywords and then click SEARCH.

Negative matches:
Compound Search guide

Compound search:Check categories and click SEARCH button.
Negative matches: